Solar Energy Systems

10 Key Advantages of Solar Power Systems for Businesses

Solar energy is gaining popularity and consumers are eager to tap this sustainable source for powering their homes. But that does not mean that solar power is for residential use alone.

If you run a business, solar energy can help you bag big business benefits and boost your bottom line.

Commercial solar solar power systems makes great business sense. You can lower your current operating expenses and provide peace of mind against rising energy costs, and tap into the growing customer base that look for environmentally responsible vendors that are focused on sustainable energy strategies.

Recent decreases in solar equipment prices make the investment in solar power systems a good financial decision for businesses and public agencies. An investment in solar power can generate quick payback as well as long-term savings.


Solar energy has a number of specific benefits for commercial businesses in Kenya. Here, we’ve summed up the main ones.

1.Significantly Reduces Energy Bills

Generating your own electricity right there on-site means that you’re relying less on the National Grid and traditional utility suppliers to power your business. In a nutshell, the more energy you produce, the more money you’ll save.

Now, exactly how much will obviously be dependent on the size of the system, and what your normal usage levels are. But theoretically, it’s not too difficult to save a lot of money the course of a year.

    2.Reduce Your Impact On The Environment

Green initiatives are higher on our global agenda than ever, and the ability of solar panels to produce energy without greenhouse gases or water pollution makes it a sure winner in the eyes of many.

For that reason alone, solar panels are great for boosting your Corporate Social Responsibility, which can make all the difference to attracting increasingly selective customers and investors.

     3.A Truly Renewable Energy Source

We’ll start with the most obvious one first; solar energy is one of the world’s few truly renewable energy sources. For as long as we’re all still here, we can count on the sun to be shining – scientists estimate it’s got at least 5 billion years of energy left in it.

As long as your premises see sunlight at least a few hours of the day (and almost all of them do), solar panels are always going to be a viable source of energy

    4.Reduction in Operating Costs

Solar energy can help bring down energy consumption costs over the long term. The cost reduction is also adequate to offset the expense of installing and maintaining the solar panels over their lifetime. This factor helps in reducing the operating costs associated with your business.

    5.Cheap and Easy to Install (Its Getting Cheaper All The Time)

The cost of solar panels is obviously a major concern for many of our customers, and while prices can vary significantly between customers, the ease of installation (the panels have no moving parts, after all) means that we’re able to maintain consistently fantastic prices for our customers.

Solar panels are no longer the luxury experimental item they once were, and the technology is advancing all the time – if you’ll pardon the pun, the future is looking bright!

Solar power systems have become up to 70% cheaper than it was in 2010, making it a more valuable opportunity for businesses than ever!

    6.Minimizing Dependence on the Grid

Another benefit of being less reliant on the National Grid is that your business is less vulnerable to power-cuts and other outages. In these scenarios, the loss of productivity is one of the biggest threats, as it can severely limit your ability to complete work for your clients and customers, which can quickly end up costing you money (as well as incurring various other associated costs).

However, generating and storing energy on-site means that you can potentially give yourself a supply to fall back on if the main power fails, which limits this loss of productivity, preserving your flow of revenue and ensuring a competitive advantage.

     7.The Electricity You Generate is (by definition) More Valuable

Studies have shown that our energy requirements are generally highest between 11am and 4pm, and then peak briefly again in the evening. It doesn’t take any special scientific knowledge to work out why; those are the hours when the vast majority of us are almost guaranteed to be in work, and then spending a bit of leisure time in the evening.

Naturally, the price of electricity peaks at these hours, so this is when you’ll be paying the most for energy. Happily though, this 11am-4pm timeframe is also when solar energy reaches its maximum production capacity – which means the electricity you generate is by definition more valuable, saving you even more on energy costs.

    8.Increase in Cash Flow

Solar energy is not just cleaner. It is also a cheaper way to fuel your appliances. That is why the use of solar power can help you achieve substantial savings on your energy bill. You don’t have to pay a hefty sum for your utility bill, and you are left with a greater cash flow. This factor helps you streamline the operations of your business more efficiently.

    9.Better Reputation

Today’s consumers are showing an increasing preference for responsible and sustainable business practices. A green image is crucial for promoting business success in these times. Installing commercial solar panel systems can help you leverage this aspect by creating a greener image for your business.

    10.Increase in Asset Value

A commercial building is one of the most valuable assets of your business. The value of this asset can be increased immensely by choosing commercial solar energy installation. If you need to sell your commercial property at any time, having a solar energy system will help you fetch better prices from the market and ensure financial gains.

Now that you know about all these major benefits, there is no reason to wait. This is the perfect time for your business to go solar.

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