Solar Energy Systems

As a solar energy installation company, we get 20+ calls a day from homeowners and business people exploring the possibility of going solar for the very first time.

Naturally, there are some questions we receive on a daily basis. How many panels do I need? How much does it cost? What can I expect during installation?

Our customers have a lot of great questions about going solar.

So, for the sake of convenience, we compiled this guide to answers most common questions we hear.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about solar energy we receive.

1. How do solar panels work?

Solar panels absorb the sun’s energy throughout the day and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. Most homes and businesses run on alternating current (AC) electricity, so the DC electricity is then passed through an inverter to convert it to usable AC electricity.

 2. What are the main components that make up a solar power system?

The main components for a solar energy systems are:

  • Solar panels – to capture energy from the sun.
  • An inverter – to convert that energy to a format that can power your appliances.
  • Racking – the foundation on which you mount your system.
  • Batteries – to store the energy you generate.
  • Charge controller – to control the rate at which batteries charge from solar.

Aside from these main components, systems also come with small parts like change over switch and wires.

3. How long will my system last?

Solar panels are warrantied for 25 years, so that should be your benchmark for system lifespan. However, the various components of your solar power system will need to be replaced at different times. For example, batteries have a 5 – 10 year warranty, this varies greatly depending on technology, model and manufacturer.

4. Can solar power my whole house?

Yes! One of the common misconceptions about solar power is that you run only certain items with the power that is produced. But practically, you can power almost any appliance or machine out there.

For example, you could offset 10%, 50% or even 100% of your monthly electrical usage and use solar entirely in your home.

The amount of your usage that can be offset by solar depends on the size of your system as well as your budget. Many customers do offset their entire electric bills with solar and power their entire house with it.

5. What are the financial benefits of solar energy?

Solar power saves you money by reducing the amount of electricity that you have to buy from someone else. Anytime that you can do something yourself cost-efficiently, it’s going to save you money compared to going out and buying it from someone else.

Over the course of time, the amount of money that you can save by doing this is astonishing.

When you buy a solar system, you’re purchasing your very own little power station. The power company invests millions or billions to build power plants that can produce power that they can turn around and sell for a profit.

By going solar, you’re cutting out the middle man and making the power yourself on your own property. Over time, the savings you realize will be substantial.

6. How much will solar actually save me on my bills?

When it comes to how much you can save with solar, this will vary between households. Below are the factors which can impact your savings.

  • System production – The more kWh of energy your solar power system produces, the more you are likely to save.  However, system production is not just determined by the system’s size. It also comes down to other factors such as the location of the installation, site conditions and the quality of the components used in the solar installation etc.
  • Energy prices – As energy prices increase, the worth of your kWh production will only grow. The more energy bills you pay, the greater your savings will be and overall return from solar.

7. What are the benefits of solar energy?

 Solar power has grown massively in popularity in recent years, but it still has a long way to go before the majority of people are familiar with it.

Many are unclear on the many benefits of going solar and because of that are not sure what to make of it.

Below are some of the advantages of solar power:

  • Avoid rising utility rates. One of the biggest benefits of going solar is that you can avoid rising electricity rates. With solar, you buy a system that produces a certain amount of your power for the next 25 or 30 years. That portion of your electric bill is eliminated completely, and you don’t have to worry about the utility company raising their rates every year anymore as witnessed lately in the country.
  • Helping mother nature. Solar is a clean and renewable energy source. Harvesting the sun’s rays to produce power doesn’t create any pollution or hurt the environment like some other sources of energy.
  • Independence. Getting a solar system installed is like creating your very own power plant. You make energy right on your own property instead of relying completely on the utility company to do it for you. With solar energy, you have the ability to generate your own power every time the sun comes up.

8. What size system do I need?

Your system size depends on your daily energy usage, as well as site factors like shading, sun hours, panel facing, etc.. Getting in touch with our expert installers is a great way to get an estimate based on your personal usage and location in just a few minutes. In order to do that, there is crucial information you’re supposed to share with us for an estimate, for example, the appliances you intend to power with solar and the estimated hours they are in use every single day.

 9. Why is solar power not widely used?

Many people wonder, “if solar power is so great, why don’t more people use it?”

The answer to that is complex, but it boils down to one primary factor. Up until recently, it wasn’t really cost effective for the average person to go solar.

The cost of solar 20 years ago was many times more expensive than it is now. For example, a system that now costs Ksh250,000 – 350,000 might’ve costed someone Ksh650,000 – 850,000. Obviously, on average, many homeowners couldn’t afford to drop that much money on a solar system during that time.

The drop in prices have made solar available to the average person, and thousands of Kenyans are making the switch every day, main reason being because of the ever-rising electricity rates and unreliability of power from the utility company.

 10. How much does it cost to go solar?

There are many variables that go into the cost of a solar energy system. Like all major purchases, there are many decisions to make. How big of a system do you want? How much power do you need in a day? How efficient of a system are you looking for? What is the quality of equipment you’re purchasing and where was it made? All these plays a vital role in determining the cost of your system. At Voltmatic Energy Solutions, we design solar systems for our clients considering all the above factors.

11. Will my system work at night when there’s no sunlight?

 The amount of power your solar energy system can generate is dependent on sunlight. As a result, your solar panels will produce slightly less energy when the weather is cloudy, and no energy at night. To counter this, you need batteries to store power that you’ll use during the night or during extreme cloudy days.

 12. Should I invest in battery storage for my solar energy system?

 Solar power systems that include solar batteries are increasingly popular, but can be costly. If you intend to go completely off-grid, then having batteries is a must as you’ll not have to rely on KPLC for power at night.

Currently, many homeowners and business people are considering batteries for their projects as this makes the power you generate available and reliable 24/7.

13. What does my warranty cover?

Generally, most mechanical defects are covered during the warranty period as long as they are deemed a manufacturing fault. Most suppliers also guarantee 85% power production for the first 25 years of your solar power system’s life, so dropping below this will likely guarantee replacements.

It is important to understand that warranty terms and conditions vary from supplier to supplier.

14. Can I afford to go solar?

 If you can afford to pay your electricity bills, then you can afford to go solar. The higher your electricity bill, the higher the chances you can afford and start saving on electricity bills right away.

15. Which solar power company is the best?

Voltmatic Energy Solutions, of course! If you’re trying to weigh your options and choose the solar installation company that’s right for you, look no further.

What exactly makes Voltmatic Energy Solutions the best solar installer in Kenya?

Quality installation. One of the biggest things we offer is quality installation. When you go solar with Voltmatic Energy Solutions, you can be rest assured that your project is being installed to the highest quality standards. We use the best quality products in the market, and we pay attention to detail to guarantee customer satisfaction and return on investment.

Simple process. Going solar doesn’t have to be a huge, daunting project. It can be simple! Going solar with us ensures that you won’t have any headaches or issues to deal with along the way.

You can reach out us  directly on +254759493610. We’d love to help.