Solar Solutions

What’s The Return On Investment (ROI) For Home Solar Panels?

When you put your money into solar panels for your home, there is no doubt that it is a good financial and eco-friendly decision. Still, one would wonder how much one is likely to get back from such an investment in home solar panels. Here are some

1.Initial costs and long-term savings

Solar panel installations are expensive depending on how big your home is and how big your energy needs will be. Long-term savings that you get from your electricity bills offset these expenses. Most owners of a house have reported substantial reductions in monthly energy costs, with the savings ranging anywhere from 50% to 100% on bills. These savings mount over time into tens of thousands of shillings.

2.Payback period

This typically takes around 3 to 8 years depending on the initial cost and your power bills.The payback period is the time it takes for your energy savings to pay for the upfront cost of the Home Solar System. Beyond that point, your solar panels will, in a sense, be paying you back in the energy savings accrued. Although the payback period may look long, it is a highly profitable investment with solar.


3.Increased home value

Solar panels can be another way to enhance the value of your residence. It is a fact that homes with Solar Panel Installation are likely to sell at a higher cost compared to those without. The buyer is actually willing to pay more for a house with the guarantee of lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

5kva solar system

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